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PART 1 食疗养生密码 章 药食同源 食物是个营养库 碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素A、B族维生素、维生素C、维生素D、维生素E、维生素P、钠、镁、钾、钙、铁、锌、铜、锰、硒、碘、水、膳食纤维 食物药用有 药食同源,吃出健康 食物的四 食物的五味 五色食物补五脏 食疗养生怎么吃 因人而调 顺时而养 第二章 因人群而调 婴幼儿益智方案 苹果、鹌鹑蛋、鸡蛋黄、金针菇、肝、松子、花生 青少年长方案 鱼、牛奶、鸡蛋、海产品、香蕉、黄豆及豆制品、瘦肉 青年排毒方案 海带、燕麦、猪血、木耳、绿豆、苦瓜、胡萝卜 孕妇安胎方案 鸽肉、鲈鱼、葱、阿胶、紫苏叶、菠菜、葡萄 产妇月子补方案 猪蹄、豌豆、木瓜、鲫鱼、花生、通草、黄花菜、山楂、红枣、小米、阿胶、桂圆、莲子、莲藕 中年抗衰方案 芡实、莲子、灵芝、肉苁蓉、茯苓、枸杞子、菊花 更年期女调养方案 银耳、木耳、莴笋、阿胶、兔肉、鹌鹑蛋、枸杞子、苹果、百合、莲子、红枣、黄豆、蜂蜜、牛奶、核桃 更年期男调养方案 五味子、桑葚、枸杞子、山药、甲鱼、牡蛎、桂皮、羊肉、栗子、海马、红枣、莲子、酸枣仁、鸭肉 老年健骨方案 羊骨、黑芝麻、虾皮、阿胶、黑豆、豆腐、海带 第三章 辨体虚而补 测一测你是何种体虚 气虚食补方案 大米、牛肉、鸡肉、红枣、鲢鱼、山药、人参 血虚食补方案 羊肉、猪肝、红枣、阿胶、何首乌、黑芝麻、红小豆 阴虚食补方案 牛奶、甲鱼、猪肉、鸡蛋、阿胶、银耳、枸杞子 阳虚食补方案 狗肉、干姜、韭菜、胡椒、羊肉、海马、人参、桂皮 心虚食补方案 桂圆、百合、莲子、银耳、猪心、红枣、麦冬 肝虚食补方案 羊肝、胡萝卜、枸杞子、黄豆、何首乌、决明子、红枣 脾虚食补方案 白扁豆、牛肉、芡实、薏米、糯米、牛肚、羊肚、参 肺虚食补方案 百合、核桃、豆浆、花生、松子、猪肺、黄芪 肾虚食补方案 海马、枸杞子、山药、核桃、芝麻、芡实、何首乌 第四章 循四季而养 春季排毒食养方案 韭菜、香椿、豌豆苗、百合、荠菜、马齿苋、苋菜、春笋、山药、茼蒿、甘蔗、茶、荸荠、蒜、菊花 夏季去暑食养方案 绿豆、西瓜、鸭肉、黄瓜、苦瓜、冬瓜、莲藕、白扁豆、决明子、金银花、荷叶、红小豆、西红柿、银耳、山药 秋季润燥食养方案 百合、银耳、芡实、山药、枸杞子、莲藕、梨、黄鳝、花生、栗子、红枣、白萝卜、蜂蜜、芝麻、菠菜 冬季强体食养方案 牛肉、羊肉、狗肉、鲈鱼、木耳、芝麻、海带、核桃、牛奶、黄豆、动物内脏、辛辣食物、糯米、核桃、人参PART 2 食物是的医药 章 常见症状食疗 感冒 风寒感冒——辛温解表,宣肺散寒 姜、葱白、紫苏 风热感冒——辛凉解表,宣肺清热 冬瓜、荸荠、薄荷 暑湿感冒——清暑解表,芳香化浊 绿豆、苦瓜、香薷 发热 外感发热——解表散热 黄瓜、萝卜、绿豆 气虚发热——甘温除热 南瓜、红薯、红枣 血虚发热——养肝补血 猪肝、阿胶 阴虚发热——养阴退热 乌鸡、枸杞子 咽喉肿痛 荸荠、萝卜、苦瓜 咳嗽 风寒咳嗽——辛温散寒,化痰止咳 姜、葱白、鲤鱼 风热咳嗽——清肺化痰,止咳 荸荠、冬瓜、丝瓜 肺燥咳嗽——润肺生津,止咳 百合、银耳、鸭肉 虚喘 人参、燕窝、白果 眩晕 气血不足——补心脾,养气血 桂圆、阿胶、红枣 肝阳上亢——养阴清火,平肝泻热 菊花、海蜇、芹菜 肾精亏损——养肝补肾,填精补髓 枸杞子、何首乌、海参 心悸 心血不足——养心补血,益气安神 猪心、莲子、桂圆 心气虚弱——补气养心,温阳益气 人参、桂皮、银耳 阴虚火旺——生津养阴,安神 百合、莲子心、麦冬 失眠 心脾两虚——益气补血,养心健脾 桂圆、红枣、猪心 阴虚火旺——养阴生津,清心降火 灵芝、银耳、莲子 健忘 猪脑、鸽蛋、核桃 神经衰弱 糯米、桑葚、红枣 腹胀 食滞腹胀——消食导滞 金橘、萝卜、山楂 气滞腹胀——疏肝理气 紫苏叶、砂仁、手 胃痛 寒胃痛——行气宽中,温胃散寒 姜、鲢鱼、紫苏叶 热胃痛——宽中益气,生津泻热 丝瓜、荸荠、豆腐 食积胃痛——开胃宽肠,下气消积 荞麦、萝卜、胡萝卜 气滞胃痛——健脾和胃,疏肝行气 金橘、玫瑰花、手 血瘀胃痛——活血化瘀,和胃止痛 莲藕、菠菜、米醋 腹泻 寒腹泻——温中散寒 姜、胡椒、花椒 伤食腹泻——消食导积 锅巴、高粱、山楂 湿热腹泻——清热利湿 苋菜、茶叶、荷叶 脾虚腹泻——健脾补气 山药、白扁豆、乌鸡 阳虚腹泻——补元阳,暖脾胃 桂皮、羊肉 肝脾不调腹泻——疏肝健脾 木瓜、米醋 痢疾 苋菜、荸荠、糯米 便秘 热便秘——清热润肠 木耳菜、甘蔗、香蕉 气虚便秘——行气软坚 萝卜、洋葱 老年便秘——补虚润肠 南瓜、何首乌 慢便秘——润肠通便 空心菜、红薯、菠菜 水肿 黑豆、红小豆、芹菜 腰痛 寒湿腰痛——散寒除湿 莲子、花椒、芡实 肾亏腰痛——补肾益气 猪肾、羊骨、黑芝麻 牙痛 龋齿牙痛——稀软饮食 鸭梨、鱼肉 风火牙痛——清热去火 绿豆、丝瓜、豆腐 口臭 肺胃郁热——清热泻火 佩兰、薄荷 腑气不通——通腑清热 蜂蜜、绿豆 脱发 黑芝麻、黑豆、牡蛎 醉酒 梨、草果、莲藕 目赤肿痛 枸杞头、绿豆、菊花 鼻衄 萝卜、莲藕、花生 痈疖疔毒 绿豆、苦瓜、冬瓜、丝瓜、黄瓜、马兰头、金银花、菊花、木耳菜 视力减退 枸杞子、胡萝卜、猪肝 第二章 慢疾病食疗 高血压 苹果、西瓜、莲子心、芹菜、木耳、洋葱、西红柿、茄子、黄瓜 高脂血症 玉米、黄豆、紫茄子、海带、香菇、牡蛎、木耳、燕麦、蒜 糖尿病 南瓜、苦瓜、莲藕、蘑菇、豆腐、魔芋、兔肉、枸杞子、甲鱼 冠心病 香菇、芝麻、红薯、海带、萝卜、橘子、山楂、蒜、核桃 痛风 芹菜、菜花、萝卜、黄瓜、玉米、冬瓜、南瓜、木耳、丝瓜 贫血 猪肝、黑芝麻、花生 肥胖 魔芋、海带、冬瓜 口疮 苦瓜、薄荷、绿豆 慢支气管炎 陈皮、萝卜、猪肺 支气管哮喘 手、冬瓜、蛤蚧 痔疮 木耳、丝瓜、茄子 慢胆囊炎与胆石症 胡萝卜、洋葱、玉米 慢肝炎 枸杞子、泥鳅、银耳 脂肪肝 海带、燕麦、西红柿 肝硬化 茯苓、鸭肉、鲫鱼 慢肾炎 山药、鸭肉、香菇 慢胃炎 小米、猴头菇、白萝卜 癌症 玉米、南瓜、黄豆、猴头菇、蒜、胡萝卜、木耳、海带、莴笋 痹症 薏米、鳝鱼、花椒 湿疹 冬瓜、丝瓜、山药、金银花、枸杞子、黄瓜、黄花菜、荸荠、茯苓 第三章 泌尿生殖系统疾病食疗 尿频 芡实、羊肚、核桃 泌尿系统结石 蛤蚧、猕猴桃、南瓜 阳痿 肾阳不足——温阳补元,补精益髓 羊肾、海参、肉苁蓉 心脾两虚——补心健脾,固肾益气 冬虫夏草、山药、芡实 肝气郁结——疏肝解郁,行气和中 韭菜、麦芽、手 遗精早泄 阴虚火旺——滋阴降火 山药、莲子、白果 肾气亏虚——补肾益气,固精止遗 核桃、芡实、猪肾 心脾两虚——养心健脾,益气固精 莲子、桂圆、板栗 月经不调 血热失调——滋阴清热,凉血调经 莲藕、蚌肉、地黄 气血不足——益气补血 乌鸡、当归、阿胶 痛经 气滞血瘀——行气活血 韭菜、山楂、砂仁 寒湿凝滞——温经祛寒 桂皮、红糖、羊肉 闭经 气滞血瘀——活血通经 藏红花、当归、玫瑰花 肝肾不足——补肝益气 鸽肉、乌鸡、黑芝麻 带下病 脾虚带下——益气健脾 猪肚、白扁豆、芡实 肾虚带下——补肾止带 羊肉、肉苁蓉、莲子 湿热带下——健脾利湿 枸杞头、薏米、茯苓 妊娠呕吐 姜、柠檬、砂仁 妊娠水肿 红小豆、鲤鱼、鲈鱼 第四章 婴幼儿常见疾病食疗 小儿腹泻 白扁豆、山药、胡萝卜 小儿便秘 红薯、蜂蜜、土豆 小儿厌食症 鸡内金、山楂、砂仁、麦芽、陈皮、白萝卜 小儿疳积 大米、鸡肝、鸡内金、山楂、猪肚、鳗鱼 小儿贫血 肝、海带、菠菜 小儿夜啼 心热受惊——清热安神 甘草、淡竹叶、蝉蜕 脾胃虚寒——温中健脾 大米、茴香、豆蔻 小儿百日咳 萝卜、梨、芹菜 小儿夏季热 冬瓜、西瓜、莲藕 小儿汗症 莲子、北芪、天门冬 水痘 绿豆、鸽蛋、竹笋 麻疹 香菜、荸荠 腮腺炎 绿豆、丝瓜、荸荠附录 卫生部公布的“药食同源食品、可用于保健的食品物品”名单 常见食物搭配与食疗功效
Shipping Overview:
• Shipping: Standard Domestic Shipping within the United States charges USD 4.99. Standard International Shipping from United Kingdom, Germany and Japan to the United States charges 14.99.
• Order Processing: Please allow 1-2 business days for order processing and preparation before shipment.
• Domestic Shipping: Orders within the U.S. are shipped via USPS or FedEx, depending on the origin of the product. The average transit time is 3-7 business days.
• International Shipping: Currently, we only ship within the USA.
• Tracking Information: Every order is trackable. You will receive a tracking number once your order has been shipped. Products may be shipped from various global fulfillment centers.
Shipping Delays:
Please note that shipping times may vary due to factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions, natural disasters, or peak holiday periods. While we strive to ensure timely delivery, the exact arrival time cannot be guaranteed and is managed by the shipping carrier.
Shipping Options:
Standard Delivery: Most orders are shipped within 3-7 business days. Larger items may utilize LTL shipping for safe handling.
Handling Time: We handle shipments on business days (Monday - Friday), with a preparation time of 1-2 days.
Additional Charges: Some items require additional shipping charges due to their size, weight, or special handling. These charges are specified on the product pages and are not eligible for shipping discounts.
Exclusions: Gift cards, packaging, taxes, and prior purchases do not count toward the minimum purchase requirement for free shipping. This offer is valid only for shipments to U.S. addresses, including Puerto Rico.
Delivery Details:
Estimates: Standard shipping within the US typically takes 3-7 business days. These are estimates and not guarantees.
Shipping Restrictions: We ship to all 50 states, Washington, DC, U.S. territories, and APO/FPO/DPO addresses. Shipping options vary based on the delivery address.
Remote Areas: Shipments to remote areas may incur additional charges or require pickup from a nearby shipping partner’s location.
Shipping Confirmation:
You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as your order is dispatched. If you do not receive this email immediately, please be assured that your items will arrive within the estimated delivery window provided at checkout.
Order Modifications:
If you need to cancel or modify your order, please contact our customer support immediately.
Issues with Delivery:
If your order shows as delivered but you have not received it, please contact the shipping carrier directly to resolve the issue. For persistent problems, contact our customer service at cs@everymarket.com.
Customer Support:
Our team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding your order. We are committed to ensuring a smooth shopping experience.
Return & Refund Policy Overview
Please review our return and refund policies below to ensure a smooth transaction process.
Return Policy
Duration: You have 30 days from receiving your item to initiate a return.
Condition: Items must be unworn, unwashed, with original tags and packaging intact.
Shipping Costs: Customers are responsible for return shipping costs.
Packaging: Ensure returned items are well-packaged to avoid damage during transit.
Tracking: Use a trackable and insured shipping method as we are not liable for items lost or damaged on return.
Initiating a Return: Contact us at cs@everymarket.com to start your return. We will provide a return shipping label and instructions upon approval. Returns without prior approval will not be accepted.
How to Return
Method: Returns must be sent back by mail to the address provided in the return instructions.
Return Label
Defective Products: Return labels are provided for defective items.
Non-Defective Returns: Customers are responsible for obtaining their return shipping label.
Product Conditions for Return
Eligible Products: Returns are only accepted for items in new condition.
Nonreturnable Items
Certain items are not eligible for return:
Electronic devices after 30 days (e.g., computers, laptops, Kindles)
Gift cards, prepaid game cards
Perishable goods, live insects, some jewelry, some health and personal care items
Customized or personalized products
Items with special shipping restrictions
Refund Policy
Window: Eligible products may be returned within 30 days of delivery for a refund.
Refund Method: Refunds are processed to the original payment method or as store credit for items purchased with gift cards.
Processing Time: Refunds are processed within 3-5 business days after we receive the return; please allow additional time for shipping and bank processing.
Inspect your order upon arrival and report any defects, damages, or incorrect items immediately to allow us to address the issue. For claims, contact our support team with details of the issue.
Exchange Policy
For the quickest service, return your original item and place a new order for the desired product once your return is accepted.
Return Address
EveryMarket Customer Service 2101 E Terra Ln, O'Fallon, MO 63366
Customer Support
Available 24/7 for any questions or assistance needed:
Phone: +1 636-312-5925
Email: cs@everymarket.com
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